• 4TheLazy
  • Posts
  • Keep Your Friends Accountable, AI Wingman and more...

Keep Your Friends Accountable, AI Wingman and more...

friends, shade, food and a wingman

Welcome Back!

The newsletter 4 when you “don’t feel like it”. Every week, I find tools and tips for lazy people like you (and me).

This week’s Bum Agenda:

  • Have your friends hold you accountable

  • Find the Best Bus Seat away from the sun

  • Make a recipe out the ingredients you already have

  • Up your game with an AI wingman

Make a group with people you know and stay accountable with your habits. Join or create challenges lasting 1 to 4 weeks, stay motivated with accountability partners, and earn rewards for daily progress.

Sun is annoying sometimes. Find the best bus seat to minimize sun exposure while traveling.

AI-powered recipe generator transforms your ingredients and ideas into dishes instantly. For the non-cooks, this might be for you.

Maybe your current wingman is retired or out of touch. Bench him and use AI to help you with your conversations.

That’s it for the week! I just started this newsletter and looking for improvements.

Any tips or suggestions you want to see, reply to this email.